Hunt for Work

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

I have recently discovered that one of the websites I used to write for has taken down all of the submitted work and had a revamp. Luckily, I saved all my articles on my laptop so have copy and pasted most of them directly onto this blog. If you look back at past posts you can see my game reviews are now up here, rather than linked directly to the site. Lets hope they get seen.

No update on the work situation as yet. I have been to four interviews to date and nothing has come of them. Most of them I have been in the top two, but in the end not chosen - which can be very disheartening. The only reason given for this is mostly due to my lack of experience, which I can appreciate. I have also applied for some internships in publishing, as a freelance writer at a local company and even as a voluntary editor for a website, but have gotten nowhere. Passion for the written word is not enough these days.

On another note, I am attending Eurogamer this year; something I am very excited about. I plan to write an article on my return and hopefully do a few informal interviews with some developers. Anything to get my name out there! It's also been a while since I've reviewed anything, so the next game I buy, I will review.

Stay positive right?


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