Back to working on my book

Friday, September 19, 2014

For the past two days, I have started focusing on writing my novel City of Masks again.  I have only managed to write ten A4 pages, but I have moved on the plot considerably. I forgot how much I enjoyed writing my book and also how slow it can be.

Today I was thinking why it has taken me so long to get back on City of Masks. I think I've boiled it down to tiredness. The past year I've been working in a job that required a lot of energy, not so much physically, but mentally. It caused a lot of stress and at least every month I would be sick with some cold or another. The last thing I wanted to do when I got home, or on weekends, was to use yet more mental energy on writing. It was a shame, but my creativity took a back seat and I do regret it now.
So while I am still looking for jobs- sending off applications at least once a day - I am going to spend some of this time getting my book completed; at least the first draft. I'm going to get up early, make a mug of coffee and write until lunchtime. To motivate me, I've printed out an old email I received from someone who read my first chapter and works as a Literary Agent Assistant. The positive comments and the fact I should 'keep on this one' and that she 'loved it' really are reinforcing that I should not give up, even if it does become a bit challenging at times.

I  also forgot how much I missed my main characters and the world they live in.


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